26 May, 2022

NGC has long since recognised that the fight against climate change can only be successful if there is an ecosystem of partners and stakeholders committed to knowledge sharing and integrating skills to build a sustainable energy future for the Caribbean. As a demonstration of this ethos, NGC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Caribbean Community Centre for Climate Change (CCCCC) to mutually cooperate in areas and activities that can positively impact regional climate change.

The MOU, focuses heavily on strengthening the rigour of the collection and analysis of climate change data to support evidence-based decision-making throughout CARICOM. It also allows for information from the CCCCC’s Regional Clearinghouse Database to be shared on NGC’s CariGreen website, to encourage greater accessibility, availability and use of regional climate change data. CariGreen was launched in June 2021 to facilitate investor, academic and citizen research into clean energy. The 2.0 version will be available by the end of May 2022.

Beyond the knowledge transfer, the MOU provides NGC, and members of The NGC Group, the opportunity of exploring investments in clean energy and renewable energy projects that are being implemented or developed by the CCCCC in CARICOM countries. The collaboration has created a space for NGC and CCCCC to pursue joint projects aligned with the green sustainability agenda of both parties.

Encouraging meaningful dialogue through education and awareness is critical to transforming attitudes and behaviours around climate change. The MOU also covers joint communication and visibility programmes, which can be developed to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation awareness initiatives and net-zero commitments aimed at improving climate change awareness in the CARICOM region.

NGC President, Mark Loquan remarked, “NGC is excited about the immense potential of this collaboration with CCCCC. We have already identified functional areas for practical initiatives that will produce tangible results and outcomes. The Company continues to actively seek organisations, which, like NGC, are pursuing a Green Agenda to confront climate change, promote energy transition and achieve energy efficiency and environmental sustainability .”

CCCCC’s Executive Director Colin Young stated that the “CCCCCC is eager to pursue this collaboration with NGC that will contribute to bolstering the substantial efforts undertaken by the CCCCC to collect, analyze and use climate data for evidence-based decision making and that

will better position CARICOM Member States to make the climate rationale necessary to attract climate finance for climate resilient development. Strategic partnerships, such as this one with NGC, are essential to crowd-in innovation, private sector knowledge, expertise and finance needed to accelerate the transition to net zero by 2050 in order to keep 1.5o C temperature goal alive. We are pleased to see the tangible commitments being undertaken by NGC via its CariGreen agenda towards net zero and environmental sustainability. “

NGC and its subsidiaries recognise the value and importance of sharing and leveraging resources among stakeholders to meet climate change challenges. NGC is ready to accept the challenge and is well positioned to create partnerships that will shape national and regional conversations around sustainability.

For more information:

Lisa Burkett,
Senior Manager,
Corporate Sustainability
The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC)
Orinoco Drive, Point Lisas

Tecla Fontenard
Communications Specialist
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)
3rd Floor, Social Security Commercial Building
Tel: +1(501) 822-1094/1104
Email: tfontenard@caribbeanclimate.bz