Welcome to the CCCCC’s Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

This web portal allows you to submit complaints and/or grievances, including issues related to projects in which the CCCCC is directly or indirectly involved as a funding, accrediting, and/or implementing entity.

The aim of this GRM is to provide all stakeholders with an accessible, transparent, efficient, and legitimate channel to address legitimate grievances from all stakeholders.

Examples of complaints and grievances addressed by the CCCCC GRM:
Complaints related to the CCCCC in the following areas (list is for guidance only):

  • Human Resources, Lack of compliance with Environmental and Social Management Safeguards.
  • Grievances on issues such as project-level GRM review of case resolution, complaints about lack of impartiality, and/or fear of retaliation among project-level GRMs.
  • Alleged conflict of interests by CCCCC’s personnel, contractors
  • Breach of CCCCC’s policies and procedures

Note: The CCCCC GRM is not to be used to request information from the CCCCC or submit suggestions and/or solicitations. Kindly submit requests for information or suggestions to info@caribbeanclimate.bz

Do you want to make a complaint related to the CCCCC’s work or its projects?
Complaints can be submitted to the GRM through different entry points:

    • Online:
      • Complete the Complaints Form below.
      • Email: complaints@caribbeanclimate.bz; or
      • Email to the Executive Director, CCCCC at oed@caribbeanclimate.bz.
    •  Phone: +(501) 822-1104, +(501) 822-1094
    • In-person:
      • At the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre,
        3rd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center,
        Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 563, Belmopan, Belize; or
      • Through a CCCCC representative working in the field;
      • At the National Designated Authority (NDA). Peruse the list of country NDAs here.

Although the CCCCC GRM will receive anonymous reports, it is important that you leave us at
least one valid contact method so that we may be able to follow up with you and
provide updates accordingly.

CCCCC GRM Case Registry

Type Case Name Project # Date Received
Complaint 002 - St. Kitts and Nevis KNA-RS-004 17/10/2023
Complaint 001 - Barbados WSRN S-Barbados 26/06/2023

    Your Complaint

    A CCCCC ProjectThe institutional functioning of CCCCC

    Name of Project:

    Content of Your Complaint

    About The Complainant

    (Kindly choose a preferred option below to receive updates on your complaint)

    Although the CCCCC GRM will receive anonymous reports, it is important that you leave us at least one valid contact method so that we may be able to follow up with you and provide updates accordingly. Please indicate at least one preferred form of communication:

    (Please insert an email to receive updates on your complaint)


    Young people (15-29 years old)Adults (30-59 years)Older adults (60 and over)



    If you are completing this form (c) as a CONTACT POINT for the Umbrella GRM, please, indicate YOUR NAME and your originating organization and position:

    (Please do not complete in if you wish to remain anonymous)

    Indigenous peoples and local communitiesUniversity, educational or research centerNGOWomen's group or organizationInternational cooperationReligious organizationMediaSmall agricultural, fisher or similarCompany, economic group or private sectorOthers:

    If you represent an organization, indigenous people, community, business or other, please include the name, location, website and any other information you consider is relevant for identification purposes:

    The Grievance Redress Mechanism of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Complaints Submission Form

    How does it work?
    The whole process for addressing complaints and grievances is illustrated through the following flowchart:

    Persons are obliged to make complaints on any evidential or suspicious breach of this policy in accordance with the procedures as set out in the CCCCC GRM (See flowchart above). All complaints and allegations of prohibited practice are taken seriously and will be thoroughly investigated, and all material, information and evidence submitted on the subject matter of any investigation shall be objectively examined. 

    All cases related to Section IX of CCCCC’s Policy on the Protection of Whistleblowers and Against Retaliation or Section VI of CCCCC’s Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy are classified as category 3 and will be addressed accordingly. Complainants will be informed of the processing of the complaint and the outcome of the investigation.

    In the event that the investigation yields actionable result, disciplinary and/or administrative action may be taken and, where required, referral for further external legal intervention at a national level will be taken against any individual, company, or entity where there is sufficient evidence to corroborate an allegation of prohibited practice or other act of misconduct.

    The result may include inter alia:

    • disciplinary and/or administrative action, including termination of appointment,
    • termination of contract or other action as deemed necessary, including restriction on re-contracting;
    • exclusion from future contracts and/or other sanctions;
    • referral to the national authorities for criminal investigation and prosecution;
    • recovery or restitution of financial loss and/or assets suffered by CCCCC;
    • issuance of management letters to allow business partners to take corrective actions and strengthen their internal controls.

    To learn more about this procedure, please peruse the following documents:  

    The CCCCC GRM does not impede access to national or local judicial or administrative remedies. In addition, if the GRM receives a criminal complaint, the responsible person is obliged to inform the competent authorities in the country.