A training session in the installation, operation, and maintenance of the stations

Surface weather observations are the fundamental data used for safety as well as climatological reasons to forecast weather and issue warnings for public use. Observations must be done on a consistent and global scale. This means that every country should participate in the global network. Many attempts have been made to establish the requisite number of stations in our Member States. However, the region still falls short of meeting the minimum number of stations required. This activity was an attempt to improve the region’s network of basic meteorological, hydrometeorological, agrometeorological and climatological stations as specified in the World Meteorological Organization Manual. The number of stations installed in each country under this project is shown in the table below.


No. of Stations

Antigua & Barbuda 2
The Bahamas 10
Barbados 8
Belize 14
Dominica 8
Grenada 4
Guyana 15
Haiti 10
Jamaica 8
St. Kitts & Nevis 3
Saint Lucia 6
Suriname 5
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines 3
Trinidad & Tobago 5