Inter Press Service featured the P3DM climate change mapping exercise now underway on Union Island in the Grenadines, including the 5Cs full social media support of the event. “Tyrone Hall, a communications consultant at the Belize-based Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Climate Change Center (CCCCC), told IPS that the three-dimensional mapping is being done across the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) region on a small-scale, “so sharing our experiences via new media tools such as social media allows us to make public in an accessible way our experience and the lessons learnt.

“We also see social media as a natural fit with this activity given its participatory nature. The CCCCC is in a position to use its broad online social media platforms to share this exercise with a wide audience, particularly given our strong relationship with the Small Island Developing States (SIDS DOCK) Secretariat that includes the Pacific islands,” he added.”

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Related posts:
1) Climate Change Community Mapping on Union Island: Live Tweets
2) Sus Gren Maps Union Island for Climate Change